What am I supposed to do when you are gone and my whole world is falling apart?



I just can't remember to forget you


ser ut som en bebis

My Dearest

“I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I’ll be seeing you.”


"im logan and i am going in the military when i grow up, i am 11 years old"

"my name is michaela. I get along with boys better than girls, i dont care what people think, i do what makes me happy. i don judge people even toough i know people judge me. i like to stand out. im not perfect but i never will be and im proud of who i am. it took me a while to figure myself out but i think i got it now :)"

"My name is Tori. My mom is dead and my dads abusive but i still love him to death. I hav depression issues and dress scene/emo and cut but that's not YouTubes biz. I'm not sure who or what I live for, and my main purpose in life is to find that."

"I am Carrie Ann. I am a sixteen-year-old ginger. I am kind, caring, selfless person. I deal with the problems of my friends before I even think about my own. I am extremely insecure and cant get over thinking that my friends put up with me because their too nice to ask me to leave. I've been told I am a blonde stuck in a redhead's body. I can be very slow. I act like a kid a majority of the time to keep myself from getting hurt. I am immature. I have a very creative mind, but not much talent"

"I'm also emo but im African american, and it's hard for ppl to see that I am who I am"

"My name is Beth, I'm 12 but people say I look 15, I'm vegan and my friends think I'm a heartless bitch"

"Hey, I'm Rob, I am someone that doesn't give up on friends easily, I'm an artist but i'm somewhat unmotivated; I'm also a know it all, but I try not to alienate people with the things I know; I'm an optimist toward all of my friends but for some reason i'm a pessimist for myself, when it comes down to it, i try to be an unbreakable pillar for my friends when they are in need."

"My name is Chelsey.. im 14.  i am an outcast and somewhat of a loser in highschool but i try to make others happy before myself. i dont know what the future holds but i dont want to.. i want it to be a surprise and embrace it. i believe in taoism and dont define people or beauty based on today's culture"

"My name is Talia, I'm 13, my purpose in life is to survive and make it through in the end."

"My name is Chelsey, I'm seventeen years old and I love watching youtube videos. My reason for living right now is learning how to enjoy life and teaching others how to enjoy their lives."

"I'm Stephanie. My purpose in life is to make my kids happy and ensure their lives won't be as fucked up as mine was. I wish somehow I could change the world.. but HA! yeah right... so I figure I'll just be a doc instead and that.. is me."

"I'm also 11 years old and when I grow up, I want to change the world. I want to be a member of P.E.T.A. And I am a member of my local Humane Society. I have been since I was 7."

"I just want to live without being judged."

"My name is Marie. I don't know who I am, but that's just what makes me me."

"hi, im jordan (and im a girl) and i pour my heart into everything, even though it always hurts in the end"

"I'm Eric, I love the arts (especially music, books, and movies) and I'm going to publish a novel and record a few albums one day and entertain people all around the world."

"Hi, im max, and half of the time my life sucks balls because almost everyone at school hates me because i talk a little/ a lot too much, and i am a little shy to show my face to youtube and make videos, but i hope i can soon one day make a video and thank whoever helps me with this problem"

"I'm holly, I'm noting, completely worthless thats all."

"I am a loner that most people hate, I like to show my feelings through art (aka poems, drawings, songs..etc) and some day I wish I could be happy and be known to alot of people.."

"i am taylor i have cancer and i dont really know what my purpose is in life"


wie kolla callis!!! :D:D:D:D ahaha


"Det är en sak att kritisera invandringspolitiken (eller snarare integrationspolitiken) men en helt annan att stödja ett främlingsfientligt och hatiskt nazist-sympatisör-parti som SD, som inte bara vill att svenska folket ska vara homogent (att alla ska vara lika, till utseende och kultur) utan även att de få som kommer hit ska assimileras. (de tror med andra ord INTE på integrering)

De vill även att kristendomen ska införas i skolan igen och att genus ska strykas ur dagordningen. Vi ska inte bara bevara sverige svenskt utan även de gamla könsrollerna.

Dessutom vill de inskränka aborträtten för kvinnor (för de ska ju vara hemma och föda svenska barn. Fuck jämlikhet liksom) och rättigheterna för homosexuella. (för de är ju av samma skrot och korn som pedofiler tydligen) 

Inspelade möten visar när ungdomsförbundets styrelse och tillika SD's partiledare Jimmie Åkesson sjunger sånger som hyllar mordet på Olof Palme och andra rasistiska sånger. Jimmie Åkessons reaktion på inspelningarna när de släpps, är att han känner sig kränkt eftersom de har gjorts utan tillåtelse. Vad kan man säga?"

av: http://ladydahmer.blogg.se/


lite synd att man inte kan kolla på den här bilden och minnas alla underbara stunder tillsammans
utan att man tänker på hur dåligt det slutade

tog lite kort eheh

frudi rudi rudiii

bilder från polen


jag behöver någon som kan få mig att glömma dig, allt det bra vi hade. 

få något ännu bättre som kan få mig att inse att det faktiskt finns bättre. f
ast jag vet att det finns, men jag vet inte om det är bättre för mig.
bättre på rätt sätt, på mitt sätt.
för mig.

någon som kommer förstå bättre mig bättre, trösta bättre,
                            fast du förstog mig alltid.
få mig att skratta oftare än att gråta, göra mig stark.

jag hade förlorat mig i oss (ellerdetvihadedå) nu vet jag inte vad jag vill.
                                          jag vet inte vad jag letar eller längtar efter. inte längre.

du var som min andra hälft, som om vi hade hittat varandra för tidigt..
för tidigt för att få det att fungera som det egentligen skulle.
och nu är det försent.


ska till polen på onsdagggg, börjar packa redan nu för imorn ska vi förhoppningsvis till STAN fan.

FREDDAN hjälper till :D



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