mother monster

" - What do you think is the biggest misconception about you?What do you think is the biggest misconception about you?
  - That I'm a character. Or that Gaga is separate from Stefani. We are one and the same, there is no difference. I am exactly who I say I am, and I am exactly who you say I am. "

" - Do you ever wish that you weren't famous? 
  - I've always been famous - just nobody knew about it. Fame is on the inside. I guess you can say 'The Fame' is something I've always felt and want my fans to feel. Do I wish I wasn't famous today? No. I do wish sometimes I had more privacy, but there are sacrifices that you make. The trade off is that if I wasn't famous I wouldn't have my little monsters and I would never give that up for anything. "

" - You always knew you wanted to be famous. What is the most unexpected part of that - the thing you never accounted for or imagined? 
  - The love I feel for my fans, the love that they have given to me. It's so precious, you can't even imagine it. "

" - Instead of being asked a specific question, is there any specific thing that you would like to say to your fans right now?
  - I would like to say to all my little monsters, who I love so much, that I cannot imagine my life without you, nor can I imagine my future without you. And I sometimes even question how I survived without you, before you. I will forever passionately only serve you. I love you. "


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